DreamSave In-App Messages How-To Guide

DreamSave In-App Messages How-To Guide


DreamStart Labs’ idea for In-App Messages and Surveys came from trying to address social isolation made worse by the global pandemic and economic crisis. Social distancing, savings group disruptions, travel restrictions, and funding cuts left a devastating impact on the connectedness of savings groups and institutions trying to support them. Two new features, In-App Messages and Surveys, enable remote communication and data collection from savings groups using the DreamSave app. 

In-App Messages allow DreamStart Labs and our partners to create messages that can be delivered to a targeted set of groups in the form of an in-app pop-up message when the group runs a meeting with DreamSave. 

This document is a detailed “How-To” for sending messages. 

How To Send Messages

  1. Log in to DreamSave Insights
  2. Click on the tab labelled "Messaging" on the left-hand panel on the side of the screen.


   3.  Compose the Message Title & Message Body. 
  1. Tip! You should write the message in a language your end users will understand!

  2. Tip! The Message Title can only be 40 characters long and the Message Body can only be 300.

                        Keep your message concise!


4. Preview what your message will look like on a mobile phone.


5. Select the groups you would like to send the Message. 
  1. You may want to send the message to all groups in a country, so you could select that country in the Country Level section. Otherwise, you can send by Project, Facilitator, or even group status, group age, or when the group was last messaged. If none of these filters help to select the groups you want precisely, kindly create a specific project and assign them to it.

b. Tip! You can see how many groups will receive your message in the Selected Groups box. For example, this Partner selected to send the message to all groups in the Philippines which is currently only one group.



6. Confirm that you want to send the message to the selected groups.


 7. Wait for the message to send! 
    1. Don’t press Undo unless you’ve made a mistake.


  8. View the message and its results by clicking on "Message History."
                      a. You can see the Targeted number of groups who were sent the message and what percentage received it.

9. To find out more about the groups who did or did not receive the message, click "Export" to see an Excel file with the groups, their receipt status, and the number of members present when the message was received.

  1. Tip! Groups will only be able to see the message you send after they have synced their data and started a new meeting. Syncing allows the message to transmit from our databases to their phones. Likewise, you will only know if they have received the message if they sync their data after the meeting.


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